Saturday, July 28, 2007

Module 7: Web Browsing & Messaging

Yes!!! the last one....

preassessment 1: Web Browsing - 87% <---- a very close one!!!
preassessment 2: Messaging - 84 <--- what!!! what a sad ending....

what a way to end....

you win this battle... but the war is not over!!!!

postassessment 2: 88%

Ohhh Yes!!! Module 1 - 7 Finished!!! Chow!!!

Battle control terminated.....

Yoooosaaa... relaxing my mind right now...

Module 6: Powerpoint 2000 - Basic & Advanced

When there is light... dark is right beside it....
When there is happyness... sadness try to snick in....
When there is success... there is also failures....

That's life!!! Indeed full of twist-and-turns....

I've been using Powerpoint since highschool... yet the knowledge it not enough... another excruciating moment...:(:(:(

Preassessment 1 score: 80%
Preassessment 2 score: 82%

but.... There's always a second chance!!!

post-assessment 1: 93
post-assessment 2: 92

Module 5: Access 2000 - Basics & Advanced Features

Nice... MS-Access...

PreAssessment Unit 1:

PreAssessment Unit 2

Module 4: Microsoft Excel 2000 - Basic & Advanced Features : POST ASSESSMENT

As Konoha Rock Lee say "Konoha Lotos Flower Blooms Twice" :)

Post Assessment 1 :

Post Assessment 2:

Module 4: Microsoft Excel 2000 - Basic & Advanced Features

What!!! EMBARRASING INDEED!!! grrrrrrrrrrr........

Pre-Assessment 1:

Pre-Assessment 2:

Friday, July 27, 2007

Module 3: Microsoft Word 2000 Basic & Advanced Features

Hmmm..... It's starting to be difficult!!! I can do this... "NOT UNTIL THE FAT LADY SINKS"

Pre-Assessment 1:

Pre-Assessment 2:

Module 2: Computer and File Management

Albert Einstien DNA starting working already... :)

As i went home Silver Surfer flew right above my newly form einstien's brain...
minutes after, every cell-tissues-organs suddenly became unstable... and even can't solve the problem on my project Intranet Web App using ASP.NET some bugs still arising (3 days already still unable to solve the bugs!!! HELP ME!!!) due to the symptoms i consulted it to Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) , the reactions start to
become stable... Thanks Dr. Reed!!!


Battle Zone activated...

Module 3 :
pre-assesment - Friday, July 20, 2007 @ 3:00pm

Friday, July 20, 2007

Module 1: Basic Concepts of Information Technology

Activating Cereblum....
Initializing Cerebellum....

Just came from Area 51 for a intense information technology seminar from a very advanced lifeform, there technology surpasses our own.. He/She even injects me with Albert Einstien DNA...

And Now....

Must test this new super-double-turbine-rocket fueled brain...

Wow!!! Nice Start... Thanks my super-advanced-lifeform-friend